Evaluating Research & Publications
in Educational Research

Let's get started...
It should take you approximately 2 hours to complete the module.  You can do this in one setting, or break it up into shorter segments.

Before you begin:  
Please take a few moments to answer a few questions.  Download the Pretest document, fill it in, and send as an attachment to Eleanor Smith.

An optional workbook has been created to accompany this module.  It includes questions and exercises for each unit, supplementary and review information, and spaces to record thoughts, reflections, and plans.
You can download it below.

File Size: 40 kb
File Type: doc
Download File

File Size: 117 kb
File Type: pdf
Download File

How to use the Module

Each unit contains four sections:

Getting Started: 
You learn what the module is about, why it is relevant, what you should know before you begin, and the objectives.

Learning, Practice Review:  Here's where you learn about the content of the module, scholarly communication, citations, etc.  This section may contain text, demonstrations, worksheets, questions for thought--to help you get involved and get thinking! 

Assessment:  Exercises, quizzes, or other activities to help you apply what you  learn and identify any gaps.  Some assessments will review general knowledge, and some the assessment for some modules may be combined.  And in some cases you will have the opportunity to apply what you've learned to your own research topic and get personalized feedback.

Reflection & Resources:  Here's an opportunity to reflect on what you've learned and think about how to apply it to your own research.  If you want to delve deeper into some of the topics covered in the module, here's where you'll find additional resources, web sites, articles, and links to resources.

Each unit builds on the one preceding it, therefore it is recommended that you go through the units in order.

Contact:  Eleanor Smith if you have questions, and to send in your assignments (as directed)

NEXT:  About Research & Assessment